Complaints Procedure
Citadel Insurance p.l.c. is committed to provide you with a professional, efficient, courteous and friendly service. However, if you believe that, in your regard, something has gone wrong and you are dissatisfied with any of our products or services, we want you to tell us. We can resolve your complaint and try to ensure that it does not happen again.
The fastest way to resolve your complaint is by discussing it with the Company’s employee / intermediary who offered you the product or rendered the service, or with their manager. If the complaint is not resolved, you may write to the Company’s complaints management function which is managed by our compliance function.
We treat all complaints promptly, fairly and reasonably but, if you are not satisfied with our final response, you may write to the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services.
Now, read the leaflet on information on making a complaint, available in English and Maltese. The leaflet tells you how to make a complaint about our products and services. For your convenience, you should write your complaint on the appropriate form available also in English and Maltese.
Freephone: 8007 2322
Tel: (+356) 2557 9000
Email us on
Procedura Dwar l-Ilmenti
Citadel Insurance p.l.c. hi impenjata li tipprovdilek servizz professjonali, efficjenti, bi tbissima u facli biex tuzah. Madankollu, jekk inti tahseb li, fil-kaz tieghek, xi haga marret hazin, u inti m’intix kuntent b’xi wiehed mill-prodotti jew servizzi taghna, ahna rriduk tghidilna. Ahna nistghu nsolvulek l-ilment u naraw li dan ma jergax jigri.
L-aktar mod hafif biex issolvi l-ilment hu li tiddiskutih mal-impjegat jew l-intermedjarju tal-Kumpanija li offrielek il-prodott jew tak is-servizz, jew mal-maniger taghhom. Jekk l-ilment ma jissolviex, inti tista tikteb lit-taqsima tal-immaniggar tal-ilmenti tal-Kumpanija li hi mmexxija mit-taqsima tal-konformità taghna.
L-ilmenti, ahna nittrattawhom bla telf ta’ zmien, bil-fier u b’mod ragonevoli izda, jekk inti ma tissodisfax ruhhek bl-ahhar twegiba taghna, inti tista’ tikteb lill-Ufficcju tal-Arbitratur ghas-Servizzi Finanzjarji.
Issa, aqra l-fuljett dwar kif taghmel ilment li ssibu bl-Ingliz u bil-Malti. Il-fuljett jghidlek kif taghmel ilment dwar il-prodotti u s-servizzi taghna. Ghall-kumdità tieghek, inti ghandek taghmel l-ilment tieghek fuq il-formola maghmula ghal tal-apposta li ssibha wkoll bl-Ingliz and bil-Malti.
Freephone: 8007 2322
Tel: (+356) 2557 9000
Email us on